贫困监测报告 中英文本 内蒙古 甘肃 1999 总第1号【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 国家统计局农村社会经济调查总队,国务院扶贫办外资项目管理中心编 著
- 出版社: 北京:经济科学出版社
- ISBN:7505823671
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:189页
- 文件大小:8MB
- 文件页数:201页
- 主题词:
贫困监测报告 中英文本 内蒙古 甘肃 1999 总第1号PDF格式电子书版下载
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第1部分 中国西部扶贫世行贷款项目贫困监测基期调查报告1
1.1 项目简介2
1.2 自然资源、基础设施及社区服务条件4
1.3 农户经济状况9
1.4 人口基本特征及教育、健康状况16
1.5 劳动力及其外出情况21
1.6 总结24
第2部分 中国西部扶贫世行贷款项目贫困监测与评估方案27
2.1 服务综述28
2.2 调查方案31
2.3 抽样设计与估计34
2.4 调查问卷36
2.5 抽样调查指标解释57
Part One Poverty Monitoring Report 1999 for WPRP(Baseline Survey Report)76
1.1 Introduction to the Project77
1.2 Natural Resources,Infrastructure and Social Services79
1.3 Economic Condition of Households85
1.4 Demographic Characteristics,Education and Health Condition93
1.5 Labor and Labor Mobility99
1.6 Conclusion102
Part Two Scheme of Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation System of WPRP105
2.1 Description of the Service106
2.2 Program of Survey109
2.3 Sampling Design and Method113
2.4 Questionnaire116
第3部分 中国西部扶贫世行贷款项目贫困监测基期调查汇总资料 Part Three Tabulation of Baseline Survey143
表3.1-1 社区基本情况 Basic information144
3.1 1999年社区调查资料 Community Data144
表3.1-2 地理位置及农村基础设施 Location and Rural lnfrastructure146
表3.1-3 文教卫生设施及人员数量 Basic Education,Health Facilities & Personnel148
3.2 1999年农户调查资料 Household Data150
表3.2-1 农户基本情况 Basic Information150
表3.2-2 人均承包土地和农作物播种面积情况 Land Using and Agricultural Technical Application152
表3.2-3 人均主要农作物及畜禽生产和出售情况 Outputs and Sales of Major Farm Products,Livestock & Poultry154
表3.2-4 人均总收入及纯收入 Gross Income & Net Income156
表3.2-5 人均家庭经营收入 Income from Household Business158
表3.2-6 人均总支出 Gross Expenditure160
表3.2-7 人均家庭经营支出 Expenditure on Household Business162
表3.2-8 人均生活消费支出 Living Expenditure164
表3.2-9 人均食品消费量 Food Consumption166
表3.2-10 储蓄借贷情况 Savings and Borrowings168
表3.2-11 购买生产资料情况 Purchase of Production Materials170
3.3 1999年个人调查资料 Information of Individuals172
表3.3-1 调查人口的性别构成 Composition of Surveyed Population by Sex172
表3.3-2 调查人口的年龄构成 Composition of Surveyed Population by Age172
表3.3-3 按民族划分的调查人数及构成 Number and Composition of Surveyed Population by Nationality173
表3.3-4 劳动力及其构成 Labor Composition by Labor Ability173
表3.3-6 成年人接受培训情况 Technical Training of Adults174
表3.3-5 劳动力文化程度构成 Labor Composition by Education Level174
表3.3-7 劳动力从业类型情况 Labor Composition by Industry175
表3.3-8 劳动力从业时间 Labor Composition by Duration of Employment175
表3.3-9 劳动力从业其他情况 Other Information of Labor176
表3.3-10 失学儿童构成 Composition of Children out of School by Education Level Attained176
表3.3-11 学龄儿童失学原因构成 Composition of School-age Children by Cause of Dropout177
表3.3-12 学龄儿童入学率 Enrollment Rate of School-age Children177
表3.3-13 学龄儿童小学完学率 Completion Rate of School-age Children178
表3.3-14 学龄儿童辍学率 Dropout Rate of School-age Children178
表3.3-16 经济条件允许孩子受教育的程度 Affordable Education Level of Children179
表3.3-15 父母对子女的教育期望 Expectation of Parents to Children’S Education179
表3.3-17 父母对子女的从业期望 Expectation of Parents on Children’s Occupation180
表3.3-18 父母对子女工作地点期望 Expectation of Parents on Children’S Work Place180
表3.3-19 学龄儿童上学费用小学) Schooling Expense of School-age Children(Primary School)181
表3.3-20 学龄儿童上学费用初中) Schooling Expense of School-age Children(Junior Middle School)181
表3.3-21 学龄儿童离校距离及交通工具小学 ) Distance to School and Traffic Tools(Primary School)182
表3.3-22 育龄妇女生育孩子个数 Women’s Fertilization182
表3.3-23 5岁以下儿童接受计划免疫情况 Immunization of Children under 5 years-old183
表3.3-24 1997~1999年妇女生育最后一个孩子的地点 Birth Place of the Last Child Born in 1997~1999183
表3.3-26 1997~1999年妇女生育最后一个孩子时接受产前检查情况 Antenatal Examination of Women Bearing Last Child Born in 1997~1999184
表3.3-25 1997~1999年妇女生育最后一个孩子接生人员情况 Birth Attendants for Last Child Born in 1997~1999184
表3.3-27 劳动力外出务工者性别构成 Sex Composition of Labour Working Outside185
表3.3-28 外出务工者年龄构成 Age Composition of Labour Working Outside185
表3.3-29 外出务工者文化程度构成 Education Composition of Labour Working Outside186
表3.3-30 外出务工渠道 Job-finding186
表3.3-31 外出务工地点及工种 Place and Industry of Working Outside187
表3.3-32 本年度在外务工时间 Duration of Working Outside187
表3.3-33 在外打工遇到的困难 Difficulties of Labour Mobility188
表3.3-34 外出务工人员的外出意愿 Willing of Labour Working Outside188
表3.3-35 在外务工要求的最低月工资 Minimum Wage Per Month of Labour Mobility189
表3.3-36 劳动力外出务工收支情况 Income and Expenditure of Labor Working Outside189
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