Structural mechanics【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- Bao Shihua,Gong Yaoqing 著
- 出版社: 武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7562924074
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:564页
- 文件大小:113MB
- 文件页数:572页
- 主题词:BASIC语言-程序设计-教材
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CHAPTER 1 Introduction1
1.1 Structures and Their Classification1
1.2 Cbjective and Learning Method of Structural Mechanics3
1.3 Analytical Mbdels of Structures5
1.4 Classification of Framed Structures12
1.5 The Classification of Loads15
Problems for Reflecting17
CHAPTER 2 Geometric Construction Analysis of Structures18
2.1 Purpose of Analyzing Geometric Construction of Structures,Stable and Unstable Structural Systems18
2.2 The Concept of Degrees of Freedomand Restraints19
2.3 Geometric Construction Rules of Planar Stable Framed Systems Wthout Redundant Restraints24
2.4 Illustration of Geometric Construction Analysis28
2.5 The Relationship between Static Determinacy and Geometric Construction of Structures30
Problems for Reflecting31
Problems for Solution32
CHAPTER 3 Statically Determinate Beams35
3.1 The Analysis of Single Span Beams35
3.2 Construction of Bending Moment Diagram By Principle of Superposition for Straight Members48
3.3 The Analysis of Simply Supported Inclined Beams51
3.4 The Restraint Force Calculation and Geometric Construction of Statically Determinate Multispan Beams55
3.5 The Construction of Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Multispan Beams57
Problems for Reflecting62
Problems for Solution62
CHAPTER 4 Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames67
4.1 Geometric Construction and Characteristics of Plane Statically Determinate Rigid Frames68
4.2 The Analyzing of Reactions for Statically Determinate Rigid Frames70
4.3 Determination of Internal Forces of Member Ends by Using the Method of Sections73
4.4 The Construction of Internal Force Dlagrams of Statically Determinate Frames76
4.5 Internal Force Diagrams of Statically Determinate Three-hinged Frames,Multispan and Multistory Frames80
Problems for Reflecting85
Problems for Solution87
CHAPTER 5 Three Hinged Arches91
5.1 The Constitution and Type of Three Hinged Arches91
5.2 The Reactions of Three Hinged Arches Under the Action of Vertical Loads92
5.3 The Formula for Calculating Internal Forces of Three Hinged Arches Under Action of Vertical Loads94
5.4 Stressing Performance of Three Hinged Arches99
5.5 Rational Axial Lines of Three Hinged Arches100
Problems for Reflecting105
Problems for Solution106
CHAPTER 6 Plane Statically Determinate Trusses and Composite Structures108
6.1 Characteristics and Classification of Trusses108
6.2 The Method of Joints114
6.3 The Method of Sections119
6.4 The Combination of the Method of Joints and the Method of Sections123
6.5 Formand Stressing Characteristics of Girder Trusses125
6.6 Composite Structures128
Problems for Reflecting133
Problems for Solution134
CHAPTER 7 General Remarks on Statically Determinate Structures139
7.1 Analytical Methods for Statically Determinate Structures139
7.2 General Property of Statically Determinate Structures144
7.3 Stressing Characteristics of Various Types of Structures148
Problems for Solution151
CHAPTER 8 Influence Lines153
8.1 Concept of influencelines153
8.2 Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Single Span Beams by Static Method156
8.3 Influence Lines for Girders with Floor Systems163
8.4 Influence Lines for Trusses by Using Static Method166
8.5 Virtual Displacement Method for Constructing Influence Lines for Statically Determinate Beams170
8.6 Application of Influence Lines179
Problems for Reflecting193
Problems for Solution194
CHAPTER 9 Principle of Virtual Work and Displacement of Structures199
9.1 Introduction for Calculation of Structural Displacement199
9.2 Virtual Work and Principle of Virtual Work201
9.3 General Equation and Unit Load Method for Computing Displacements212
9.4 Calculation of Displacements Caused by Loads213
9.5 Graph-Multiplication Method221
9.6 Calculation of Displacements Caused by Temperature Changes233
9.7 Calculation of Displacements Caused by Support Movement236
9.8 Reciprocal Laws for Linear Elastic System238
Problems for Reflecting243
Problems for Solution246
CHAPTER 10 Force Method251
10.1 Statically Indeterminate Structures and Degrees of Indeterminacy251
10.2 Basic Concept of Force Method254
10.3 Canonical Equations of Force Method258
10.4 Statically Indeterminate Beams,Rigid Frames and Bent Frames262
10.5 Statically Indeterminate Trusses and Composite Structures272
10.6 Analysis of Symmetric Structures277
10.7 Statically Indeterminate Arches291
10.8 Internal Forces due to Support Settlements and Temperature Changes303
10.9 Computation of Displacements of Statically Indeterminate Structures309
10.10 Verification of Calculation of Statically Indeterminate Structures313
Problems for Reflecting320
Problems for Solution323
CHAPTER 11 Displacement Method329
11.1 Fundamental Concepts of Displacement Method329
11.2 Member End Forces of Various Single-Span Indeterminate Prismatic Beams Due to Their End Displacements and External Loadings332
11.3 Primary Unknowns and Primary Systems in Displacement Method340
11.4 Displacement-Method Equations345
11.5 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Beams and Rigid Frames with No Sidesway350
11.6 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Rigid and Bent Frames with Sidesway357
11.7 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Symmetric Structures365
11.8 Development of Displacement-Method Equations by Direct Stiffness Method370
Problems for Reflecting376
Problems for Solution377
CHAPTER 12 Method of Successive Approximations and Influence Lines for Indeterminate Structures383
12.1 General Remarks for Method of Successive Approximations383
12.2 Concepts and Terminology in Moment Distribution Method384
12.3 Moment Distribution at a Single Joint-Moment-Distribution Process389
12.4 Moment Distribution at Multi-Joints-Successive Approximations395
12.5 No-Shear Moment Distribution Method408
12.6 Shear Distribution Method414
12.7 Influence Lines for Forces of Statically Indeterminate Structures420
12.8 Most Unfavorable Arrangement of Live Loads and Envelops for Internal Forces of Continuous Beams426
Problems for Reflecting431
Problems for Solution432
CHAPTER 13 Matrix Displacement Method436
13.1 Introduction436
13.2 Member Stiffness Matrixin Local Coordinate System441
13.3 Member Stiffness Matrixin Global Coordinate System446
13.4 Global Stiffness Matrixes of Continuous Beams451
13.5 Global Stiffness Matrixes of Rigid Frames460
13.6 Equivalent Nbdal Loads466
13.7 Procedure for Analysis and Examples471
13.8 Global Analysis of Rigid Frames without Considering Axial Deformation480
13.9 Block Diagramand Computer Programs for Plane Framed Structures485
Problems for Reflecting510
Problems for Solution511
CHAPTER 14 General Remarks on Statically Indeterminate Structures513
14.1 Classification and Comparison of Fundamental Methodused to Analyze Statically Indeterminate Structures513
14.2 Combined Method-Simultaneously Applying Moment Distribution and Displacement Methods to Frames with Sidesway513
14.3 Approximate Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures515
14.4 Properties of Statically Indeterminate Structures520
14.5 Complementary Discussion about Computing Models of Structures527
Problems for Reflecting539
Problems for Solution540
Answers to selected problems541
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