

  • 冯秀红主编 著
  • 出版社: 南京:东南大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787564112578
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:279页
  • 文件大小:109MB
  • 文件页数:291页
  • 主题词:英语-写作-高等学校:技术学校-教材


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Chapter 1 Vocabulary1

1.1 Levels of Words(词的类型)1

Practice 1.12

1.2 General & Specific(笼统词汇与具体词汇)3

Practice 1.24

1.3 Denotation & Connotation(原义与涵义)4

1.4 Synonyms(同义词)5

1.5 Rules of Diction(选词的规则)7

Practice 1.39

1.6 Some Good Dictionaries(一些好辞典)16

Chapter 2 English Sentence Writing18

2.1 Types of Sentences(英语句子的类型)18

2.1.1 According to Structure(根据结构)18

2.1.2 According to Use(根据功能)21

2.1.3 According to Rhetoric(根据修辞)22

Practice 2.123

2.2 Sentence Expansion(句子的扩展)24

2.2.1 Addition(增添法)25

2.2.2 Coordination(并列法)28

2.2.3 Subordination(从属法)28

Practice 2.231

2.3 Effective Sentences(表现力强的句子)32

2.3.1 Unity(统一)32

2.3.2 Coherence(连贯)32

2.3.3 Conciseness(简洁)34

2.3.4 Emphasis(强调)35

2.3.5 Variety(多样)36

Practice 2.339

2.4 Main Mistakes in Grammar in Writing(常见语法错误)40

2.4.1 Misused Parts of Speech(用错词性)40

2.4.2 Sentence Fragments(残缺句)40

2.4.3 Run-on Sentences(流水句)41

2.4.4 Misplaced Modifiers & Dangling Modifiers(误置修饰语与悬垂结构)41

2.4.5 Problems in Agreement and Reference(一致与指代)41

Practice 2.442

Chapter 3 English Paragraph Writing43

3.1 Paragraph Structure(段落结构)43

3.1.1 Topic Sentence Composing(写作段落主题句)43

Practice 3.145

3.2 Composing Effective Paragraphs(写作精彩段落)46

3.2.1 Paragraph Unity(段落统一性)47

Practice 3.2.150

3.2.2 Paragraph Coherence(段落连贯性)51 Ordering Ideas for Coherence(合理排序)53 General-to-Specific Order—Deductive Order(从一般到具体:演绎法)54 Specific-to-General Order—Inductive Order(从具体到概述:归纳法)54 Emphatic Order—Order of Importance(按照重要程度排序突出强调重点)56 Spatial Order—Order of Space(按照空间顺序排序)57 Chronological Order—Order of Time(按照时间顺序排序)58 Combined Types of Order(各种排序法综合使用)59 Parallelism(排比结构)59 Repetition,Restatement,and Variation(重复关键词和词组、重新陈述以及词的同义及词型转换)60 Pronouns Substituted for Key Nouns(用代词替换主要名词)62 Transition Words and Phrases(过渡词和词组)62 All Devices for Achieving Coherence Combined(综合使用实现段落连贯性的各种技巧)65 Coherence Through Transition between Paragraphs(运用适当过渡技巧保持段落之间连贯性)66 Repeat a Word or Idea from the Last Paragraph in the First Sentence of the New Paragraph(在新段落段首句中重复上一段某个词或观点)67 To Connect Paragraphs with Transitional Words or Phrases(用过渡词或词组来连接两个段落)67 To Demonstrate the Relationships between Paragraphs with Parallel Structures(运用排比结构来展示段落之间关系)67 Consistency for Coherence(段落连贯的前后一致性)69

Practice 3.2.269

3.3 Paragraph Development(段落展开)71

3.3.1 Develop with Specific Details & Examples(通过列举细节和举例充分展开段落)71

3.3.2 Develop by Narration(通过叙述展开段落)73

3.3.3 Develop by Description(通过描述展开段落)73

3.3.4 Develop by Process(通过解释过程展开段落)74

3.3.5 Develop by Cause and Effect(通过阐述因果关系展开段落)75

3.3.6 Develop by Comparison and Contrast(运用比较和对照展开段落)75

3.3.7 Develop by Classification and Division(通过归类和分类展开段落)77

3.3.8 Develop by Definition(通过陈述定义展开段落)78

3.3.9 Develop by Space(通过描述空间顺序展开段落)78

Practice 3.379

Chapter 4 English Essay Writing80

4.1 Structure of English Essays(文章结构)80

4.1.1 Introductory/Opening Paragraph(引言)81

4.1.2 Body Paragraphs(正文)82

4.1.3 Concluding Paragraph(结尾)82

4.2 Writing Process(写作步骤)83

4.2.1 Planning an Essay(构思)83

4.2.2 Designing Outlines(列提纲)84

4.2.3 Writing the First Draft(写初稿)86

4.2.4 Revising the First Draft(修改初稿)86

4.2.5 Making the Final Copy(定稿)86

4.3 Types of English Essays(文章种类)87

4.3.1 Narration(记叙文)87

Practice 4.190

4.3.2 Description(描写文)91 of a Person(人物描写)92 of an Object(物状描写)93 of a Place(地点描写)94 of a Scene(情景描写)95

Practice 4.296

4.3.3 Exposition(说明文)96定义法)97例证法)98

Practice 4.399 and Division(归类与分类法)100 and Contrast(比较和对比法)101

Practice 4.4103 and Effect(因果关系说明法)105 Analysis(过程分析法)106

Practice 4.5108

4.3.4 Argumentation(议论文)110归纳法)110演绎法)112类比法)114 and Contrast(分析对比法)115

Practice 4.6116

Chapter 5 Punctuation119

5.1 The Comma(逗号)119

5.2 The Period(句号)120

5.3 The Semicolon(分号)121

5.4 The Colon(冒号)122

5.5 The Question Mark(问号)122

5.6 The Quotation Mark(引号)122

5.7 The Exclamation Mark(感叹号)124

5.8 The Dash(破折号)124

5.9 Italics and Underline(斜体字和下画线)125

Practice 5126

Chapter 6 Figures of Speech127

6.1 Literal and Figurative Language(本意及比喻意义)127

6.2 Figures Based on Resemblance in Image(根据不同对象相似点所作比喻)127

Practice 6.1130

6.3 Figures Based on Association and Contrast(根据联想和对比所作修辞)132

Practice 6.2136

6.4 Figures Based on other Relations(根据其他联系所作修辞)136

Practice 6.3140

6.5 Figures Based on Similarity in Sound(根据读音相似所作修辞)140

Practice 6.4142

Chapter 7 Summary Writing143

7.1 Benefits of Summary Writing(写概要的好处)143

7.2 The Form of Summary(概要的形式)143

7.3 Standards for a Good Summary(好概要的标准)143

7.4 Steps in Writing a Summary(概要写作步骤)144

7.5 Some Useful Expressions & Structures in a Summary(写概要中一些有用的表达和结构)144

Practice 7145

Chapter 8 English Letters147

8.1 The Structure(结构)147

8.1.1 Heading(信头)147

8.1.2 The Inside Address(信内地址)147

8.1.3 The Salutation(称呼)147

8.1.4 The Body(信的主体)148

8.1.5 Complimentary Close(客套敬语或结束语)148

8.1.6 The Signature(签名)148

8.1.7 The Enclosure and the Postscript(附函和附言)148

8.2 Three Main Forms(三种主要格式)149

8.2.1 The Blocked Form(齐头式)149

8.2.2 The Indented Form(缩进式或斜列式)149

8.2.3 The Modified Form(混合式)150

8.3 Capital Letters and Punctuations in Letter Writing(书信写作中的大写字母和标点)150

8.4 Opening and Concluding Sentences(启头句和结尾句)151

8.5 Addressing an Envelope(信封的书写)152

Practice 8.1153

Chapter 9 Personal Letters154

9.1 Family Letters(家书)154

9.2 Friendly Letters(朋友书信)155

9.3 Love Letters(情书)156

Practice 9158

Chapter 10 Social Letters(社交信函)160

10.1 Letters of Invitation(邀请函)160

10.1.1 Invitation Card(请柬)160

10.1.2 Formal and Informal Letters of Invitation(正式和非正式的邀请信)163

Practice 10.1165

10.2 Other Social Letters(其他社交信函)166

10.2.1 Letters of Thanks(感谢信)166

10.2.2 Letters of Congratulations(祝贺信)167

10.2.3 Letter of Complaints(投诉信)168

10.2.4 Letters of Apologies(道歉信)171

10.2.5 Letters of Condolence(吊唁信)173

Practice 10.2174

Chapter 11 Writing for Application176

11.1 The Writing of a Resume(简历的撰写)176

11.1.1 The Structure of a Resume(简历的结构)176

11.1.2 Format of a Resume(简历的格式)178

11.1.3 Language(简历用语)183

11.1.4 Expressions Commonly Used in a Resume(简历常用英语词汇)183

Practice 11.1186

11.2 The Letter of Job Application(求职信)188

11.3 A Reply to the Application Letter for Further Interview(复试通知)191

11.4 Accepting and Declining a Job Offer(应职信)191

11.4.1 Acceptance of a Job Offer(接受聘任)191

11.4.2 Refusal Letter of a Job Offer(拒绝受聘)192

Practice 11.2194

11.5 The Letter of Recommendation(推荐信)195

Practice 11.3196

Chapter 12 Notes,Memos,Notices and Posters197

12.1 Appointments(约会类便条)197

12.2 Apologies(道歉类便条)197

12.3 Invitations(邀请类便条)197

12.4 Thanks(感谢类便条)198

12.5 Message(留言)198

12.6 Asking for Leave(请假条)198

12.7 Note of Receipt(收条)199

12.8 IOU(欠条)199

12.9 Informal and Formal Memos(备忘录)199

12.10 Notices and Posters(通知与海报)202

Practice 12206

Chapter 13 Advertisements208

13.1 Advertising and Advertising English(广告及广告英语)208

13.2 Headline(标题)208

13.3 Body Copy(正文)209

13.4 Slogan or Tag Lines(口号)210

13.5 Linguistic Features of Advertising English(广告英语的语言特色)210

13.5.1 Lexical Features of Advertising English(广告英语的词汇特色)210

13.5.2 Rhetorical Features of Advertising English(广告英语的修辞特色)211

13.6 Employment Advertisement(招聘广告)212

13.7 Commonly-used Terms for Advertising(常用英文广告术语)214

Practice 13215

Chapter 14 Contract216

14.1 Some Key Provisions in Contracts(合同中的关键要素)216

14.2 Denotation in Contracts(合同主体和客体的指称表达)217

14.3 Word Use in Contracts(英语合同的用词特点)217

14.4 A Sales Contract(买卖合同)220

14.5 Employment Contract(聘用合同)221

Practice 14225

Chapter 15 Certificate Writing226

15.1 Structure of Certificates(证明的构成)226

15.2 Certificate of Educational Background(学历证明)227

15.3 Certificate of Grade Report(成绩证明)227

15.4 Health Certificate(健康证明)227

15.5 Identity Certificate(身份证明)228

15.6 Certificate of Enrollment(注册证明)228

15.7 Graduation Certificate(毕业证明)228

15.8 Degree Certificate(学位证明)229

Practice 15229

Chapter 16 Pretco Writing230

16.1 A Brief Introduction to Pretco Writing(应用能力写作测试简介)230

16.2 Fax(传真)231

16.3 E-mail(电子邮件)232

16.4 Inquiry(询盘)234

16.5 Offer(报盘)234

16.6 Order(订单)235

Practice 16236

Chapter 17 English Composition for CET-4&6239

17.1 大纲要求239

17.2 评分标准239

17.3 备考建议239

17.4 真题分析240

Practice 17243

Chapter 18 IELTS Writing245

18.1 Brief Introduction to IELTS(雅思考试简介)245

18.2 IELTS Writing(雅思考试写作)245

18.3 Marking and Assessment(打分和评估)246

18.4 Samples(举例)247

18.4.1 Writing Task One:Line Graph(线状图)247

18.4.2 Writing Task One:Pie(饼状图)249

18.4.3 Writing Task One:Table(表格题)250

18.4.4 Writing Task One:Diagram(流程图)251

18.4.5 Writing Task Two252

Practice 18253

附录1 Reference Answers255

附录2 主要参考书目279
